Forum Emploi-Formation-Alternance: Talents Handicap

WELCOME Job to SmartRecruiters


Description de l'entreprise

Sopra Steria, a European tech leader recognised for its consulting, digital services and software development, helps its clients drive their digital transformation to obtain tangible and sustainable benefits.

It provides end-to-end solutions to make large companies and organisations more competitive by combining in-depth knowledge of a wide range of business sectors and innovative technologies with a fully collaborative approach. Sopra Steria places people at the heart of everything it does and is committed to putting digital to work for its clients in order to build a positive future for all. With 50,000 employees in nearly 30 countries, the Group generated revenue of €5.1 billion in 2022. 

The world is how we shape it.

Description du poste

This job is made for API, Job Boards and Agencies connector through SmartRecruiters platform.

Informations supplémentaires


Employeur inclusif et engagé, notre société œuvre chaque jour pour lutter contre toute forme de discrimination et favoriser un environnement de travail respectueux. C’est pourquoi, attachés à la mixité et à la diversité, nous encourageons toutes les candidatures et tous les profils.

Informations complémentaires

Informations complémentaires
Contrat : CDI
Lieu de la mission : Paris 75000
Niveau d'étude : Bac + 3 : licence
Expérience : Débutant
Poste(s) disponible(s) : 1
Poste de cadre : Non
Début de la mission : Dès que possible

Découvrez Forum Emploi-Formation-Alternance: Talents Handicap

Talents Handicap est un forum virtuel Emploi-Alternance-Formation dédié aux candidats en situation de handicap

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